
8 Tubes - Cockroaches Baiting Gel -Alpine Rotation 2 Gel Replaces Advance Gel

$ 42.21

Availability: 90 in stock
  • Model: Alpine Cockroaches Baiting Gel
  • Brand: Alpine
  • MPN: 59014067
  • Condition: New


    Alpine Cockroaches
    Gel  - 8 Tubes - ( 8x 30g syringes )
    (This item has replaced the Advance Cockroaches
    Gel  from BASF.)
    Alpine Cockroaches
    Gel Rotation 2 Reservoir
    This Cockroaches Gel Baiting product has a gel baiting formula that is irresistible to cockroaches and will transfer to other cockroaches controlling them. In fact this Cockroaches Gel will start controlling roaches immediately.
    This item has replaced the Advance Cockroaches Gel Baiting Tube from BASF.
    This Cockroaches Gel Baiting product controls your problem cockroaches roaches within hours of application and is labeled for many food-handling areas, aircraft, and other sensitive locations .
    Lasting for more than 30 days, the baiting gel attracts all of the cockroaches to it, ensuring that the majority of the population will be treated
    This baiting gel will even attract baiting-adverse cockroaches. This Cockroaches Gel Baiting product makes it very easy to control problems
    FOR USE IN AND AROUND: Commercial, Institutional and Warehousing Establishments (including computer facilities, food/feed processing plants, hospitals, hotels, laboratories, motels, nursing homes, pet shops, restaurants, schools, sewers, supermarkets, warehouses and zoos), Residences and Transportation Equipment (aircraft, buses, boats/ships and trains)
    Labeled for use indoors and outdoors and even sensitive areas such as food-handling establishments, food and feed processing plants, hospitals and nursing homes.
    We provide 1 Plunger PER ORDER to expel the baiting gel from the tubes.You can purchase a baiting gun for use with this product.
    ebay item # 144662057816
    The Cockroaches Gel's active ingredient is fast-acting, broad-spectrum that works through contact and ingestion.
    This Cockroaches Gel Baiting product has Reduced Risk status for German Cockroaches Control.
    In real world conditions (poor housekeeping, new cockroaches introductions, baiting contamination, and other factors), Advance Cockroaches Gel Baiting quickly controlled cockroaches and maintained control for 28 days. One month aged baiting gel was tested versus fresh baiting gel and demonstrated comparable results.
    The active ingredient in this Cockroaches Gel Baiting product, was granted reduced risk status for public health use by the EPA. Public health pests are capable of spreading human disease or otherwise impacting human health. For example, the German cockroaches have been linked to asthma and can contaminate food and eating utensils.
    This Cockroaches Gel Baiting product provides the quickest control of leading cockroaches baiting gel. Advance controlled 50% of the adult German cockroaches in the first 4 hours. Other competitive cockroaches baiting formulations required 3 to 4 times longer to control 50% of the German cockroaches.
    Advance Cockroaches Gel Baiting also has a new baiting matrix for fast acceptance. The unique attractants in the bait matrix are attractive to both gelaverse and non-gel-averse cockroaches.
    Place about 10 spots per 100 sq ft for low to moderate infestations and 20 spots per 100 sq ft if the roach infestation is severe.
    Apply gel in a 3 - 6 mm diameter spot (0.25 - 0.50 g)
    It is best to apply numerous small spots, instead to fewer and larger spots.
    Do not place this cockroaches baiting gel on recently sprayed surfaces.
    Do not spray any products over the gel spots, this would contaminate the baiting gel, making it less attractive.
    Spot treatment - Uncap the syringe and place a 3 to 5 mm bead of baiting gel. Place 10 to 20 beads per 100 square feet, depending on the severity of the infestation.
    Crack & crevice treatment - Place the product in beads or lines directly into the problem cracks & crevices.
    Unopened store in a cool dry area shelf life is 2 years.
    I will follow all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding the sale of the product
    I won't accept bids from, sell to, or ship to states in which this is not registered as a general-use product